Accordin to kirat Mythology Paruhang lived in Heaven.One day he saw beautiful girl named sumnima walking in the earth and fell in love with her. He made a beautiful comb and gifted it to Sumnima. They both got married.After sumnima gave birth to four children Parunhang left his family to live in the hut on the bank of Dudhkoshi River and did not return for a long time.One day while searching for food Sumnima found a creeper. she tasted the creeper and found it to be full of power and happiness.She then made a Buti out of it. The buti has high power. Whenever anybody put the buti on he/she used to talk only truth.
One day all of sudden Paruhang came back. He tried to console Sum but she did not believe him. so in order to get truth from him Sumnima asked him to put on the buti With the help of Buti sumnima knew that Paruhang was looking at the heaven and earth from the top of Chomolongma (Mt.Everest).She also knew thant he was meditating and visited entire universe,he then promised never to leave her again. This made Sumnima very happy to express her joy she started to dance.
The dance of sumnima became the great sakela Dance. To protect this tradition people dance to find their true love of their life.